European comic tie-in male characters list

These are the male characters related to "European comic tie-in". Click on the caracter name to view more pictures and details.
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Ambrosia Starkhumanoid maleFrom the "Les Tuniques Bleues" series.0
Asterixhumanoid maleFrom the "Asterix & Obelix" series.
European comic tie-in, Asterix
Blueberryhumanoid maleMain character from the "Blueberry" series.0
Blutchhumanoid maleFrom "Les Tuniques Bleues".1
Cacofonixhumanoid maleBard from the "Asterix & Obelix" series.1
Captain Archibald Haddockhumanoid maleA cynical alcoholic sailor who became a sober heroic figure over the course of the series. Has 192 normal words that he manages to use foully.
Tintin and Snowy, European comic tie-in
Cornélius M. Chesterfieldhumanoid maleFrom "Les Tuniques Bleues".0
Dogmatixbeast maleObelix's dog from the "Asterix and Obelix" series.
European comic tie-in, Asterix
Fantasiohumanoid maleFrom "Spirou & Fantasio".0
Gaston Lagaffehumanoid male0
Geriatrixhumanoid maleVillage elder from the "Asterix and Obelix" series.
European comic tie-in, Asterix
Getafixhumanoid maleDruid from the "Astrerix and Obelix" series.
European comic tie-in, Asterix
HébusmaleFrom the "Lanfeust" series.1
Iznogoudhumanoid maleMain character from the "Iznogoud" series.0
Jolly Jumperbeast maleLucky Luke's horse from the "Lucky Luke" series.
European comic tie-in, Lucky Luke
Kid Paddlehumanoid maleMain character from the "Kid Paddle" series.1
Lanfeusthumanoid maleFrom the "Lanfeust" series.2
Lucky Lukehumanoid maleMain character from the "Lucky Luke" series.
Lucky Luke, European comic tie-in
Marsupilamibeast maleStrange animal, black-spotted yellow, with a 7-meter-long tail, that only says "Houba, houba", from the "Spirou & Fantasio" series.2
Obelixhumanoid maleFrom the "Asterix & Obelix" series.
European comic tie-in, Asterix
Papa SmurfmaleLeader of The Smurfs from the series (The Smurfs), easily recognizable by his red clothes and his white beard.
European comic tie-in, The Smurfs
Papyrushumanoid maleFrom the belgian comic "Papyrus" by Lucien De Gieter.0
Philip Mortimerhumanoid maleFrom the "Blake & Mortimer" albums.0
Roguehumanoid maleFrom the British 2000 AD comic. He's soldier created through genetic engineering and gets turned on by his creators. Wears pot helmet, large backpack, pants and boots but is otherwise unarmored. Also recognizable for his blue skin.4
Sir Francis Percy Blakehumanoid maleFrom the "Blake & Mortimer" albums.0
Snowybeast maleDespite the vaguely feminine name (in 2 languages), Snowy is a male Dog. He's a good communicator (but doesn't speak) and is fond of scotch whiskey.
Tintin and Snowy, European comic tie-in
Spipbeast maleSpirou's squirrel from the "Spirou & Fantasio" series.2
Spirouhumanoid maleMain character from the "Spirou & Fantasio" series.2
Thorgalhumanoid maleMain character from the "Thorgal" series.1
Tintinhumanoid maleAn optimistic, well-rounded, & bland kid (15-18) with 'boyscout morals' who finds adventures while traveling the world as a journalist.
Tintin and Snowy, European comic tie-in
Titeufhumanoid maleMain character from the "Titeuf" series.7
Vitalstatistixhumanoid maleVillage chief from the "Asterix and Obelix" series.
European comic tie-in, Asterix
XIIIhumanoid maleMain character from the "XIII" series.1
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