Item durability

Video game concept

Items wear down with use, rust and otherwise degrade with time or from being subjected to the elements.

Usually this is for tools, weapons and armor but can easily extend beyond them.

"Depletable" items should not be considered, such as is the case of most armor in older games.

This is efficient way of lowering the value of items with time and use, even making them unusable after a time, and protects the item economy in multplayer games.

Many players however find item degradation to be an immense annoyance, especially if it happens unusually fast.

Popular tags

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Parent groups

Interaction: Items, Realism

Child group

Repair limit

Games by year

81838587899193959799010305070911131517192123 20510150

The first Item durability video game was released in 1981.

Bethesda Softworks, Klei Entertainment and Epic Games published most of these games.


Windows 59
Linux 27
PS3 14
X360 11
Mac OS X 9
PS4 5
GameCube 4
Xbox One 3
Switch 3
Internet Only 2
N64 2
Apple II E 1
Wii 1
3DS 1
BeOS 1
NEC PC8801 1
Tandy Coco 1
Pandora 1
Sharp X1 1
Atari 400/800 1
Android 1
Mac OS Classic 1
PS5 1
Xbox Series X 1

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