Male protagonist

Creatures theme

Player controls apparently male character.

Should be primarily used when player controls characters of more than one gender but has no real gender choice. This is mostly due to male protagonist being the norm currently, but can be still marked for games for sake of completeness.

"Apparently male" is there to cover transgenders and non-biological entities. People who think they should be male but appear something else as such do not count for this tag. There's some exceptions to this rule however.

Popular tags

actionadventure aliens amoeboids clickadventure demons dragons dwarves elves femaleprotagonist firstpersonshooter ghosts giantinsects goblins golems homosexuals humans insectoids interactivefiction middleagedprotagonist militantprotagonist monsters mystics outlaws platformer premadeprotagonist robots roguelike skeletons undead vampires visualnovel weefolk zombies

Parent group


Games by year

74767880828486889092949698000204060810121416182022 14436721080

The first Male protagonist video game was released on January 1, 1974.

Choice of Games, Activision and Sierra On-Line published most of these games.


Linux 398
Windows 382
MS-DOS 222
PS2 55
NES 53
Mac OS X 48
PS4 29
Win3.1 28
Apple II E 22
X360 22
PS3 21
Amiga 21
Xbox One 18
N64 18
Mac OS Classic 16
Nintendo DS 11
GameKing 9
GB 9
Wii 8
PS 8
Tandy Coco 8
C64 7
Switch 7
Xbox 7
3DS 6
Unix 6
Amiga AGA 6
Arcade 6

Most common companies