
Software theme

Uses or can use OGL for graphics, a cross-platform and cross-languge (via bindings) API for 2D and 3D graphics originally created by Silicon Graphics, control passed to the non-profit Khronos Group in 2006.


Alternate names: Open Graphics Library, OGL

Note that no OpenGL release is 1:1 comparable to any DirectX release (e.g. OGL3.3 had features that were introduced in DX9 and DX10 separately).

OpenGL 3.0 was supposed to be a long overdue overhaul to the old and problematic state system OGL uses, but this was scrapped and has seemingly not been tried again.

Direct3D shader instructions (HLSL) can automatically be converted to open source compatible gaming libraries using the freely available hlslparser.
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Originally created by Silicon Graphics, now maintained by Khronos Group.

A direct mesa-to-OpenGL chart showing mesa and OpenGL version correlations would be very helpful. However, such a chart is highly improbable. OpenGL support and cards, card features, brands, and types of GPUs are separately the targets of various mesa releases. Also occasional regressions occur on any of the mentioned factors. ie: A new release of mesa can put AMD support at OpenGL 4.5, NVIDIA support at OGL 4.1, and Intel at OGL 4.2 (but without ASTC, a OGL 3 feature; so technically Intel is down to OGL 2.1)

OpenGL 4.1 is the first version compatible with OpenGL ES (specifically 2.0 version OGL ES).

Cross-platform support for at least the following*:
* Mac OS
* Windows
* Linux
* many Unix platforms
* GameCube
* Wii
* PlayStation 3
* Silicon Graphics Workstations
* BeOS

OpenGL ES extends that list with*:
* Symbian OS (as of 1.0)
* Android (as of 1.0)
* iPhone, iPod Touch and iPad (as of 1.1, 3GS versions as of 2.0)
* WebGL (as of 2.0)
* Pandora (as of 2.0)
* Palm webOS and several Samsung/Nokia mobile phones

Since OpenGL (and OpenGL ES) is open and there are Open Source libraries for the API, a determined dev can add support to any platform. Such is the case with porting to Amiga 68k or to (YIKES!) FuzixOS .

Direct3D source code can automatically be converted to open source compatible gaming libraries using the freely available hlslparser.

Popular tags

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Parent group

Graphics middleware

Child groups

OpenGL Utility Toolkit, OpenGL 2.0, OpenGL 1.1.x, OpenGL 4.2, OpenGL 3.2, OpenGL 3.0, OpenGL 3.1, OpenGL 2.1, OpenGL 3.3, OpenGL 1.2.x, OpenGL 1.3, OpenGL 1.4, OpenGL 1.5, OpenGL 4.0, OpenGL 4.3, OpenGL 4.4, OpenGL 4.5, OpenGL 4.1, OpenGL ES, Atomic Game Engine

Games by year

8385878991939597990103050709111315171921 19649981470 ABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQ
A1984 - IRIS 1000 released. Uses IRIS GL, the predecessor of OpenGL.
B1992 - OGL Architecture Review Board (ARB) is founded
1992 - OpenGL 1.0
C1997 - OpenGL 1.1
D1998 - OpenGL 1.2
1998 - OpenGL 1.2.1
E2001 - OpenGL 1.3
F2002 - OpenGL 1.4 (GLSL introduced)
G2003 - Microsoft quits OpenGL board
H2004 - OpenGL 2.0
I2006 - The OGL ARB Votes to pass control to the Khronos Group
2006 - OpenGL 2.1
J2007 - OpenGL ES 2.0
K2008 - OpenGL 3.0
L2009 - OpenGL 3.1
2009 - OpenGL 3.2
M2010 - OpenGL 3.3
2010 - OpenGL 4.0
2010 - OpenGL 4.1
N2011 - WebGL 1.0
2011 - OpenGL 4.2
O2012 - OpenGL ES 3.0
2012 - OpenGL 4.3
P2014 - OpenGL 4.5
Q2015 - Vulkan API announced

The first OpenGL video game was released in 1983.

Activision, Spiderweb Software and GarageGames published most of these games.

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Linux 1209
Windows 318
Mac OS X 192
BSD 94
BeOS 43
Pandora 20
Mac OS Classic 19
Unix 14
Solaris 11
Android 9
PS3 6
Internet Only 6
OS/2 6
PS4 4
PS2 4
Amiga 3
iOS 3
GameCube 3
Xbox 3
PS Vita 2
X360 2
Xbox One 1
N64 1
Atari ST 1
Dreamcast 1
Ouya 1
Zaurus 1
Switch 1

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